U.S. Department of Agriculture
McIntyre Environmental recently prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) and secured a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) (June 2024) in support of the USDA Agricultural Research Service ARS at Michigan State University for relocation of the Avian Disease Oncology Laboratory.
McIntyre Environmental recently prepared an EA for the Chewelah A to Z project for the Colville National Forest in Washington State. The Final EA and FONSI was published in January 2023.
McIntyre Environmental recently prepared an Environmental Report in support of a Categorical Exclusion (CATEX) for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service (USDA RUS) for a submarine fiber optic cable in Alaska.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Region
As a subcontractor to Statistical Research Inc. (SRI) McIntyre Environmental prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) under NEPA to support a 46-mile long water pipeline lateral for the Navajo Nation and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in New Mexico. McIntyre performed biological surveys and secured a Biological Resources Compliance Form (BRCF) and has secured a Section 401/404 permit under the Clean Water Act. McIntyre has recently performed pre-construction avian surveys in support of geotechnical testing.
McIntyre is currently preparing multiple EAs to support water pipeline laterals for the Navajo Nation and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation on Tribal, BLM, and NM State lands in McKinley, San Juan, Rio Arriba and Sandoval Counties in New Mexico.
National Park Service
As a subcontractor to Aarcher Inc. McIntyre is assisting with comment coding and the development of concern statements for the Yosemite National Park Visitor Use Management Plan.
As a subcontractor to Aarcher Inc. McIntyre is working on Pre-NEPA studies for the Chilkoot National Historic Trail in the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park in Skagway, Alaska.
McIntyre recently worked with Aarcher Inc. on Pre-NEPA studies for Phases 2 and 3 of the Marquette Green Trail at Indiana Dunes National Park in northwest Indiana.
McIntyre, working with Aarcher Inc., recently prepared an EA and FONSI for the replacement of the Salt Creek Boardwalk in Death Valley National Park.
As a subcontractor to Aarcher Inc. McIntyre is currently assisting the National Park Service (NPS) with coding comments for the Yosemite National Park Visitor Use Management Plan. McIntyre recently completed similar work for the Badlands and Mount Rushmore National Parks Air Tours EAs and an Alaska Hunting EA.
McIntyre Environmental helped prepare a draft Climbing Management Plan and EA for the Joshua Tree National Park in Twentynine Palms, CA. This Climbing Management Plan and EA will provide long-term management guidance and environmental protection for one of the most popular climbing destinations in the United States.
As a subcontractor to SRI McIntyre Environmental prepared EAs and received FONSIs for two water projects on the Navajo Reservation in northern New Mexico. These projects included biological surveys and permitting.
McIntyre recently prepared an EA and received a FONSI in support of replacement of the Navajo Nation Municipal Pipeline in the Upper Fruitland Chapter on the Navajo Reservation in northern New Mexico.
McIntyre is currently preparing an EA to support development of a 9.7-mile long water line in the Standing Rock Chapter on the Navajo Reservation in northern New Mexico. This project includes biological surveys, including focused plant surveys for naturita milkvetch.
McIntyre recently prepared an EA to support development of a 2.1-mile long water line in the Naschitti Chapter on the Navajo Reservation in northern New Mexico. This project includes biological surveys, including focused plant surveys for Mesa Verde cactus.
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
McIntyre Environmental recently worked with Willis Environmental Planning (WEP) on an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for a Maverik Gas Station and Convenience Store in Imperial County California. McIntyre is currently working with WEP on the preparation of an IS/MND for the OrniV Geothermal Exploration Project in western Imperial County near Salton City, California.
McIntyre and WEP are functioning as adjunct County staff for several geothermal power plants going through the California Energy Commission CEQA process and for the Wildcat Solar Energy and Battery Storage Project.
McIntyre Environmental recently completed an EIR for the Glamis Specific Plan Area in Imperial County, CA. Glamis is an unincorporated community at the northern end of the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area. The Final EIR was approved by the Imperial County Board of Supervisors in October 2023.
McIntyre Environmental recently completed an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Viking Solar and Battery Storage Project in Imperial County, CA. The Final EIR was approved by the Imperial County Planning and Zoning Commission in August 2022.