Huge Benson development near San Pedro River gets federal OK
This came out last week. This project was started over ten years ago but the bottom fell out during the recession. It was revived several...

Democrats file brief to protect Utah sites
I don't think this is a surprise given what we've been seeing over the last couple of weeks. I will be interested to see how this goes...

Public comments on Bears Ears plan renew debate over revisions
I posted about this last week, specifically I was musing what changes might entail between the Draft RMP/EIS and the Proposed RMP/EIS....

BLM scraps Southern Nevada land-use plan after decade of work
The public scoping meetings for this project started in February of 2010, almost 9 years ago. A Draft was released in 2014 and now it's...

National monuments played role in key Western races
"It will be interesting to see what changes result from this between the draft RMPs / EIS and the Proposed RMPs / EIS and their...

Grand Canyon investigation triggers another shake-up
A federal probe has prompted a sudden leadership juggle at Grand Canyon National Park, with a new acting superintendent expected to...

Zinke wants new regions 'stood up' and 'operational' July 1
The Interior Department is moving forward with a sweeping reorganization effort, announcing today the appointment of "regional...